Sync Recovery Community Tabling

Saturday, February 4th, 2023
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM


4010 Durham Road
Ottsville, 18942

Stop by this Saturday to learn more about Ottsville’s Rounding Up at the Register recipient for February — Sync Recovery Community.

Sync Recovery Community (Synchronicity Recovery Foundation, Ltd) was born from the need for a better approach to recovery for substance use disorder. Their program includes ongoing support for healthy living and offers year-round action-based peer support activities like hiking, biking, kayaking, yoga, as well as other indoor and outdoor programs. This kind of programming provides social connection, promotes health and wellness, spiritual connection, and service opportunities — all components of successful long-term recovery and the mission of our programming. While many recognize the importance of access to treatment and addressing acute care needs for people experiencing substance use disorder, extended care management and long-term recovery support has not taken precedence. Because of this, the relapse rate for substance use disorder is staggering. Saving lives is Sync’s most important priority. The strain on families, employers, healthcare, and the justice system is the collateral damage when individuals do not receive long term support. Donations that help Sync make an impact include financial support, outdoor gear, and volunteers who have a passion for a healthy lifestyle.