Ways to Reduce Plastic Waste

We know that plastic waste is a huge problem. Most plastics can take hundreds or thousands of years to biodegrade. During those years, it takes up space in landfills, pollutes oceans, harms wildlife, and breaks down into tiny microplastics which find their way into our drinking water.

Single-use plastics are the worst offenders – think beverage cups, straws, plastic bags, and packaged food containers. And while some plastics are easily recyclable, others are not. (Always check with your local municipality to be sure that what youโ€™re putting in your home recycling bin is actually recyclable, or youโ€™re simply polluting the recycling stream.)

The answer is clear: As conscious consumers we should reduce our use of plastic. As a second line of defense, we may reuse or recycle plastic products – but the bottom line must always be to simply reduce their use. Itโ€™s nothing new: remember to Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle!

At Kimberton Whole Foods, our buyers value brands that are using sustainable packaging. As a consumer, you can support the brands that are doing this by โ€œvoting with your dollarsโ€. Choose products packaged in glass and paper when possible. With some thoughtful choices and small changes to your routine, you can make a big difference. Keep reading, and weโ€™ll show you how.

In the Produce Department

At Kimberton Whole Foods, we proudly offer compostable produce bags in our produce department. These can be composted in a home compost pile, or thrown in the garbage, where they will very quickly break down. Other good solutions include canvas produce bags, paper bags, or baskets – all of which you can bring with you to our stores when you shop. Another great idea is to re-use plastic bags from packaged breads, granola, rice, or other packaged products for transporting fragile greens and herbs. (This is where โ€œreuseโ€ comes into play!)

ECOBAGS Kimberton Whole Foods

Photo courtesy of ECOBAGS

In the Grocery Department

The best way to reduce waste when shopping for grocery staples is to purchase foods in bulk. You can bring your own jars or bags, or opt for paper instead of plastic. (Our favorite zero-waste tip is to save your Kimberton Whole Foods soup jars for use in our bulk section!) Choose products packaged in recyclable materials over single-use plastic, when possible. If you really want to go the extra mile, prepare your own juices, breads, pasta, and nut milks using whole ingredients, purchased in bulk. Look for herbs and spices in our bulk section, also.

In the Cleaning Aisle

Did you know that you can refill your Sun & Earth detergent at our stores*? Donโ€™t forget that basic ingredients like baking soda and vinegar can go a long way in cleaning your home, too.

In the Check-Out Line

We encourage you to bring your own bags or basket for carrying home your groceries. Help yourself to our Bag Tree if you forget yours in the car! Another way to reduce waste is to simply keep extra plastic bags from other shopping trips on hand for check-out. Purchasing heavy items like milk or laundry detergent? Ask one of our team members for a box: we receive countless boxes each day with deliveries, and would love the chance to re-purpose them.

Reusable Bag Kimberton Whole Foods

For Your Favorite Beverage

Bring your own cup or thermos when ordering juices, smoothies, coffees, and teas. Always keep a reusable water bottle with you rather than purchasing water in single-use plastic. You can also keep a reusable straw in your car or purse. Want even more ways to reduce plastic waste? Read Lessen Your Footprint for additional sustainable dining options.

Reduce where you can, and together we can make a big difference.

*Excludes Kimberton Whole Foods Malvern

4 thoughts on “Ways to Reduce Plastic Waste

  1. I would love to reach out to other grocery stores to show as much environmental integrity as yourselves.
    Thank you!

  2. The photo portrays an EcoBags product but I didn’t see any mention of that being sold in KWF stores. If that’s correct, will they be offered in the near future? I diligently use the compostable produce bags when in the store but I don’t do all of my shopping at KWF it and it’d be nice to have an alternative to plastic bags on-hand in those instances, like an EcoBag.

  3. Hello Dave, Yes, we do sell the EcoBags pictured – they’re organic cloth bulk/produce bags in size medium, available in all Kimberton Whole Foods stores. (Please ask a team member for help if you have trouble locating them the next time you shop with us.) Thanks for reaching out!

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