Real Meals: Curried Tuna Salad Over Mixed Greens

Our weekly Real Meal offers you a healthy dinner idea that you can get on the table quickly, using our favorite organic and all-natural products. This weekโ€™s inspiration is Curried Tuna Saladย over Mixed Greens. This light and easy-to-prepare meal is perfect for summer nights.

Real Meal Curry Tuna Salad Kimberton Whole Foods

  1. Place 2 cans tuna (drained) into a large bowl. Add enough mayo to coat, mix well. Season to taste with salt and curry powder.
  2. Add golden raisins, finely diced red onion, chopped celery, and chopped cilantro (add as much or as little as looks right to you!)
  3. Serve tuna salad over mixed greens.

This Real Meal was inspired by My Heart Beets blog.